Hemminki, Akseli. Crossing the Valley of Death with Advanced Cancer Therapy. Nomerta Publishing. Turku, Finland 2015. ISBN 978-952-7018-05-7.

Hemminki, Akseli. Crossing the Valley of Death with Advanced Cancer Therapy. Nomerta Publishing. Turku, Finland 2015. ISBN 978-952-7018-05-7.

Hemminki, Akseli. Crossing the Valley of Death with Advanced Cancer Therapy. Nomerta Publishing. Turku, Finland 2015. ISBN 978-952-7018-05-7.


Hinta 22,00 €

Hemminki, Akseli. Crossing the Valley of Death with Advanced Cancer Therapy. ISBN 978-952-7018-05-7 Nomerta Publishing . Turku, Finland 2015. 230 pp. Paperback.

Suomalaisen huippututkijan näkemys kokeellisista syöpähoidoista, lääketieteellisestä tutkimuksesta ja sen valvonnasta sekä yliopistomaailmasta soveltuu myös englantia taitaville maallikoille.
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The Valley of Death, the gap between research and clinical practices, is hard to bridge. It becomes impassable when the supervisory medical authority claims that advanced therapies are illegal to use as treatment in patients with incurable cancer.

Internationally leading oncolytic virus researcher Dr Akseli Hemminki reveals problems, solutions, hopes and enthusiasms relating to advanced cancer therapies.

Download the presentation leaflet of the book /Lataa kirjan esittely (in English, pdf): Download leaflet

“ On a journey to make the world a better place,
Dr Hemminki discovers he has to fight more
than just disease.
He also comes to understand it is not just
the patients that have to make sacrifices in the
fight to advance medical knowledge.”

Price 22,00 euros including VAT (10%) and shipping via mail to EU area for private customers. You can only pay via Pay Pal ( or Finnish Bank Account).
Contact: orders (at) nomerta.net, that might be easier.

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